Ring in the New Year with a fresh new look

If you’re anything like some of the Leon Studio One staff, you are already in search of the perfect New Year’s Eve look. You’re making your plans and feverously scouring through your favorite shops, both at your local mall and online, for the one outfit that shows you are ready to take 2014 by the horns and own it. As your search continues, keep in mind that in order to be truly flawless as you ring in the New Year, you’re going to need a little bit more than just the perfect dress. After all, everyone knows that it’s the hair can make or break an entire look.

Give yourself the gift of gorgeous, healthy hair this holiday season with a fresh cut at Leon Studio One. The whole point of celebrating the New Year is to revel in all of the new possibilities that 2014 has to offer, and to leave behind all of the things that weighed you down during the previous year. If your lifeless locks have made the list of things to ditch, we can help.

Love your tresses but just need a bit of fine tuning? Make an appointment now for New Year’s Eve and allow our team to style your hair in a way that will command attention and make you feel like the rockstar you really are. If you know you’ll be too busy on the day of festivities, consider coming in sooner for a bit of color-rejuvenation or an entirely new shade all together. Nothing says, “New year, new me” like going from a bland brunette to a fiery redhead!

As you start out the New Year, make sure you put the best version of yourself forward, both mentally and physically. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see just how much of a difference a fresh hairstyle can make when it comes to feeling good about yourself!